Artificial Intelligence

AI in medical coding- The way forward for hospitals in 2023 to improve efficiency

AI in medical coding

Not too long ago AI was associated with flying cars and rampaging robots. Now Artificial Intelligence is associated with improved productivity, automation of processes and smarter workflows. AI in healthcare has resulted in better care journeys and personalized patient interactions.

Medical coding and clinical documentation processes in particular can be accelerated through deploying AI. Clinical information can be abstracted, segregated, and presented in real time. This enables coding teams to achieve efficiency and meet quality requirements.

The ocean of data that is physician documentation

As clinical documentation requirements evolve the amount of paperwork that physicians have to cope with has also increased. The ability of AI to supplement coding efforts and parse information has paved the way for a quicker documentation and medical coding process.

To analyze clinician documentation and translate it into codes for reimbursement requires a small army of professionals. AI can help in significantly reducing the effort and time spent on documenting and analyzing key information.

Automating coding workflows

Medical coders can greatly benefit from the power of Artificial Intelligence. Context-sensitive coding pathways and more granularity in medical codes free up medical coding staff from assigning codes to validators of auto-suggested codes. This lightens the workload of medical coders and accelerates the medical coding process.

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